“We must all do theatre – to find out who we are, and to discover who we could become.” – Augusto Boal
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A progressive course for practitioners, facilitators, activists and those with a grounding in the fundamental techniques of the Theatre of the Oppressed or related applied theatre backgrounds, this training is designed to enrich and enhance participants confidence, experience and abilities with Boal’s method of theatre and therapy – the Rainbow of Desire – and the opportunity to explore how it inter-relates with Social Presencing Theatre – Arawana Hayashi’s methodology for understanding current reality and exploring emerging future possibilities.
In the 1970s junta-era Brazil, Augusto Boal developed forum theatre to help spec-actors explore options in response to external oppressors – cops, landlords, the military, the dictatorship itself. When he fled in exile to Europe, he discovered that the oppressors had ceased to be solely external, and infact had left the barracks and moved into spectactors’ heads, negating the need for a physical oppressor. In response, he used the foundation of Image Theatre to develop a therapeutic theatre to address and explore these cops-in-the-head.
SPT is not „theater“ in the conventional sense, but uses simple body postures and movements to dissolve limiting concepts, to communicate directly, to access intuition, and to make visible both current reality, and the deeper – often invisible – leverage points for creating profound change.
This course will be a unique opportunity to experience both techniques in application and explore the subtle yet fundamental relationships between these two profound practices, with the aim of developing individual and social resilience and capacity within ourselves and our communities.
George Wielgus – a practitioner of the Theatre of the Oppressed, writer, performance poet and natural farmer who has travelled extensively across Europe and Asia working with groups ranging from the homeless in London, subsistence farmers in India, victims of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, to recovering heroin addicts and street kids in Kuala Lumpur. As founder of the training collective Reboot The Roots they have a decade of experience as a facilitator and educator in fields ranging from TESOL and drama therapy to drug rehabilitation and conflict resolution. They qualified in their Certificate in Joker Training and Certificate in Rainbow of Desire whilst working with Cardboard Citizens in 2010.
Ruth Cross – makes things happen. Her practice has developed from landscape performance and micro-choreography into coordinating projects which bring people together to talk, play, inspire and collaborate. She is an associate artist with Encounters Arts and Battersea Arts Centre and co-founder of The Eroles Project, an international network that explores inner work for outer action. Ruth founded Cross Collaborations in 2009, a collective who devise social actions and intimate live art performances which focus on voice, listening with compassion and connecting to the earth.
Friday, Oct. 18th, 18-21Uhr
Saturday, Oct. 19th, 10-17Uhr
Sunday, Oct. 20th, 10-17Uhr
Pioneers of Change
Reboot The Roots
Presencing Institute and Theory U
WUK Wien, Währingerstraße 59, 1090 Wien
90-180€ on your own estimation
We work on the principles of gift-economy
Participation is possible independently from financial situation
Lerne und erfahre Methoden die dich in Change-Prozessen unterstützen und Resilienz in Gruppenprozessen fördern.
TdU, Pioneers of Change und Social Presencing (Theorie U) sehen sich in ihren Ansätzen – der Verbindung von Körper, Geist und Herz – zum Zweck von innerem Wachstum und gesellschaftlichem Wandel stark miteinander verwunden.
Eine Kooperationsveranstaltung von Pioneers of Change und TdU-Wien (Theater der Unterdrückten).
Eine Fortbildung für Trainer*innen, Aktivist*innen und jene, die mit den Techniken des Theaters Resilienz und Handlungsfähigkeiten in Veränderungs-Prozessen erweitern möchten. Mit Boals Theatertherapiemethoden in Verbindung mit Social Presencing Theater (Theorie U) – Arawana Hayashis Methodik zum Verständnis von aktuellen Realitäten und zur Erforschung neuer Zukunftsrealitäten werden die Teilnehmenden Erfahrungen und Zusammenhänge neu erforschen.
Dieser Kurs bietet die Gelegenheit, beide Techniken in Anwendung zu erleben, mit dem Ziel, individuelle und soziale Resilienz und Denk-und Handlungsmöglichkeiten in uns selbst und unseren Gemeinschaften zu entwickeln und zu erweitern.
Ruth Cross – lässt Dinge geschehen, ihre Praxis hat sich aus Landschaftsperformance und Mikrochoreographie entwickelt
George Wielgus – Praktizierender des Theaters der Unterdrückten, Schriftsteller, Dichter, kreativer Leiter von Reboot the Roots
kofinanziert von Reboot the Roots
Fr., 18. Okt, 18-21Uhr
Sa., 19. Okt, 10-17Uhr
So., 20. Okt, 10-17Uhr
WUK Wien, Währingerstraße 59, 1090 Wien
90-180€ Selbsteinschätzung, wir arbeiten nach den Prinzipien von gift-economy: http://ulexproject.org/a-gift-economy/
Teilnahme unabhängig von finanziellen Mitteln möglich.
Pioneers of Change
Reboot The Roots
Social Presencing Institute
Der Workshop wird auf Englisch mit Übersetzungsmöglichkeit auf Deutsch gehalten.
Ko-Finanziert von Reboot the Roots
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