Währinger Straße 59
1090 Wien
(Click here for German translation)
Theatre, Love, Politics – Theatre of the Oppressed with Jana Sanskriti from India
We are very happy to announce that Sima and Sanjoy Ganguly from JANA SANSKRITI will offer a 2-days workshop in Vienna. Jana Sanskriti is based in Westbengal in India and is the biggest Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) movement worldwide. In this workshop Sima and Sanjoy will share their knowledge and experience of their unique and empowering work.
Participants can expect to discover:
- The essential language of TO: Image and Forum Theatre
- Games as social metaphor
- How to script the play instead of playing the script
- Researching the question of empowerment through theatre
- International connection between theatre activists
This workshop is for everyone, no matter your experience with theatre or TO.
The workshop will be held in English. German whisper translation is possible.
WHEN? Saturday 26.4. and Sunday 27.4. 10am to 6pm in WUK, Währinger Straße 59, 1090 Wien
Find out more about Jana Sanskriti here.

Registrations are open until 11.4.25 here.
With the workshop in Vienna we want to support the important work of Sima and Sanjoy and Jana Sanskriti in India. Therefore we ask you to make a realistic estimation of what you can give for the workshop. Here are some suggestions:
High waged: 300€-400€ (help us to support reduced rates)
Normal waged: 250€ – 300€
Lower salaries and TdU Wien members: 180-250€
Reduced: 140-180€
As we are very happy that Sima and Sanjoy are coming to Vienna we want to make it for as many people as possible to participate in the workshop. Please contact us if you can contribute with an even more reduced fee or if you want to use a solidarity spot (office@tdu-wien.at)
Your spot is reserved after paying your participation fee on the following account:
Theater der Unterdrückten Wien – Raiffeisenbank Gunskirchen – Umweltcenter
IBAN: AT20 3412 9000 0891 4533
Cancellation conditions:
until 14 days before the event: 100% refund
14 to 2 days before event: 50% refund
2 days before event: 0% refund.
For people outside of Vienna: if you need help in finding a place to sleep, let us know and we can ask around.
The workshop space is wheelchair accessible. Please contact us if you have any needs to feel comfortable in participating in the workshop: office@tdu-wien.at